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產(chǎn)品中心您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 傳感器 > 變送器 > M361017LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764
LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764

LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764

LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764

CAUTION: Electrical Safety
Under normal circumstances, you are unlikely to suffer any real harm from the low voltages and
currents used in the OD2 Transmitter. However, the elec





LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764

圖片僅為參考 以具體型號和實(shí)物為準
S1. Safety Characteristics
This apparatus has been tested and supplied in a safe condition. This manual contains some
information and warnings which must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to
retain the apparatus in a safe condition.
S1.1 Terms in This Manual
CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the equipment
or other property.
S1.2 Symbols in This Manual
This symbol indicates where applicable cautionary or other information is to be found.
S2. Safety Instructions
Upon delivery from the factory the instrument complies with the required safety regulations, see
para. S1. To maintain this condition and to ensure safe operation, the instructions below must be
carefully followed.
S2.1 Power Source
This product is intended to operate from a power source that will not apply more than 48 volts DC
between the supply conductors.
S2.2 Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres
To avoid explosion, do not operate this product in an explosive atmosphere unless it has been
specifically certified for such operation.
S2.3 Grounding the Product
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power supply.
S2.4 Do Not Remove Covers or Panels
To avoid personal injury, do not remove the lid. Do not operate the product without the lid properly
LVDT變送器 型號:OD 2910764

CAUTION: Electrical Safety
Under normal circumstances, you are unlikely to suffer any real harm from the low voltages and
currents used in the OD2 Transmitter. However, the electrical connections should be made with
the power off.

The Model OD2 Transmitter is designed for use with ac inductive type LVDT displacement trans-
ducers. It has a dual function: (1) its onboard oscillator derives power from the supply and pro-
duces a sine wave carrier to drive the transducer primary winding; (2) its amplifier, demodulator
and filter circuit conditions the transducer output and a voltage-to-current converter produces
this as a dc milliamp drive. The transmitter is especially suitable where a readout is required at a
substantial distance from the transducer and for interfacing with a controller, or computer in auto-
mated manufacturing processes.
Instrument specifications are listed in Table B1.1. These specifications are the performance stan-
dards or limits against which the instrument is tested.
Before operation, the instrument and manual, including the safety page, should be reviewed for
safety markings and instructions. These must then be followed to ensure safe operation and to
maintain the instrument in a safe condition.
Attached to the top of this instrument is a name plate (Fig. 1.1 ), this manual only refers to instru-
ments listed in Table B1.2.
If the instrument is suspected of being unsafe, take it out of operation permanently. This is the
case when the instrument:
- shows physical damage;
- does not function anymore;
- is stressed beyond the tolerable limits (eg. during storage and transportation).
Before opening the instrument, disconnect it from all power sources. Refer to the Service Safety
Summary. Calibration, maintenance or repair must be performed only by trained personnel being
aware of the risks.

OD2 Transmitter will operate with most Solartron transducers having strokes up to E100mm
(E4in), in particular with the SM, AC, AX, AT and some of the MACH 1’s. Switches on the printed
circuit card are used to set up the transmitter for a specific transducer type and onboard Span/
Zero controls are provided for calibration purposes.



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